Christine Toussaint

International signature


By Christine Toussaint




What Woman-brand and Man-brand are all about?

About the development of Personal brand in line with the Life & Work & Balance system. Valuable project. Valuable person.

Real stories of creation, development, and formation of valuable brands around the world. About ups and downs and constant upward movement and creation of the most valuable products for the world: education, science, culture, fashion, design, production, beauty business, construction, mentoring, development of IT start-ups and unique business projects, etc.

About inspiration, motivation and constant upward movement in line with the Life & Work & Balance system.

our interviews

Apply to participate

Interview as part of the international project Woman-Brand & Man-Brand 60 minutes.

Valuable Project. Valuable Person.

The goal of the interview:

  • To introduce you to a worldwide audience.
  • To increase awareness of your personal and company brand.
  • To boost the demand and sales for your product.
  • To reveal the essence and value of you and your project, your company, and your brand.